Show all entries in a logfile
This script will show all entries in the file that is specified in the log file
Log Checker Script
In this example, I will use the /var/log/syslog file.
The for loop will go through each line of the log file and the line_split variablewill split it by lines.
If you just print the line_split, you will see an output similar to this:
>> ['Sep', '27', '15:22:15', 'Virtualbox', 'NetworkManager[710]:', '', 'DNS:'..']
If you want to print each element just add the line_split[element_to_show]
#!/usr/bin/env python logfile = open("/var/log/syslog", "r") for line in logfile: line_split = line.split() print line_split list = line_split[0], line_split[1], line_split[2], line_split[4] print list
That's it, now you have a script that you can use for checking log files with.
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