Easy_Install Package Manager This post will be the first in a series of "Python Packing Manager" posts. To know which one you are going to use, can … [Read more...] about Python : Easy_Install Package Manager
Python : List Methods
Just like string methods, list methods are working on the list it's being called from, if you for example have a list called: list1 = ["Movies", … [Read more...] about Python : List Methods
Python : String Methods
String methods are working on the string its called from, if you have a string called, string = "Hello World", then the string method is called such … [Read more...] about Python : String Methods
Python : OS.listdir and endswith( )
This short script uses the os.listdir function (that belongs to the OS module) to search through a given path (".") for all files that endswith … [Read more...] about Python : OS.listdir and endswith( )
Date and Time in Python
Date and Time in Python In my last post about datetime & time modules in Python, I mostly used the strftime(format) method to print out the dates … [Read more...] about Date and Time in Python
Socket examples in Python
The socket module in Python provides access to the BSD socket interface. This post will show examples on how to use the socket functions. For more … [Read more...] about Socket examples in Python
How to use Date and Time in Python
Date and Time This post will show some examples using Pythons datetime and time modules. In a previous post, basic date and time types in Python, I … [Read more...] about How to use Date and Time in Python
Python : More Dictionarys
What is a Dictionary? Dictionaries are collections of items that have a "key" and a "value". Dictionaries are mutable. You do not have to reassign … [Read more...] about Python : More Dictionarys
Using the web browser in Python
The webbrowser module in Python provides an interface to display Web-based documents. Webbrowser Under most circumstances, simply calling the open() … [Read more...] about Using the web browser in Python
OS.walk in Python
Python has a cool built-in function in the OS module that is called os.walk() . OS.Walk() OS.walk() generate the file names in a directory tree by … [Read more...] about OS.walk in Python