Using Telnet in Python
To make use of Telnet in Python, we can use the telnetlib module.
That module provides a Telnet class that implements the Telnet protocol.
The Telnet module have several methods, in this example I will make use of these:
read_until, read_all() and write()
Telnet Script in Python
Let's make a telnet script
import getpass import sys import telnetlib HOST = "hostname" user = raw_input("Enter your remote account: ") password = getpass.getpass() tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST) tn.read_until("login: ") tn.write(user + " ") if password: tn.read_until("Password: ") tn.write(password + " ") tn.write("ls ") tn.write("exit ") print tn.read_all()
At ActiveState you can find more Python scripts using the telnetlib,
for example this script.
For more information about using the Telnet client in Python, please see the
official documentation.
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